2010: Blog #4 – The Drama Continues: Good News and Bad..

4 11 2010

“There’s good news and bad – which would you like first?”, asks Mark, furtively glancing my way.

Constantly connected to his global Tweeps, Twitter and Facebook feeds, I’m forever amazed at how Mark is motivated, 24/7, to be online, keeping abreast of the Jones’ whereabouts.

Wednesday Morning: Perched by the ocean, our listless bodies were bravely attempting to battle the 36-degree heat and oppressive 96% humidity-laden air … a scorching ball of fire burned relentlessly overhead; fine, powdery white sand aggressively bit our newly-exposed pink toes.

My concentration was shot.   It was all I could do to listen to Mark’s recently received email, struggling to vanquish taunting images of an imminent cool sea dip dangling deliriously before my eyes.   Judging by the low-grumble, “hmmmmm” that proceeded his aforementioned question, I suspected it was serious.

Something was afoot, he had news.

In that split-second, I pondered the absurdity of his being absorbed by a message on his handheld device, surrounded by the most magnificent, breath-taking setting imaginable – and concluded this:  Mark’s pretty accomplished at multi-tasking with technology, AND being present and ‘in the moment’.  A contradiction for most, but he pulls it off.  Not sure how..?  He switches between work, play, stress and life’s small irritations (such as my inevitable flighty hormonal fluctuations, courtesy of our fine fertility fiesta) like a fickle teenager in love.  He adjusts in a milli-second.  Guess technology reassures him there’s a world of non-hormonal happiness out there…!?

Back to the email. I’m glad he read it

It was a ‘moment’ we could have done without – but we needed to know.  It was from Dr.Banerjee, our fearless Delhi doctor.

Mark started with the good news – the hospital found our money. WOOHOO! Nearly $8,000 miraculously materialized after playing 4-weeks of hide-and-seek in some bank’s clearing house.  No idea where it went – given an electronic transfer is instantaneous? – perhaps it needed a holiday…

A big sigh of relief, the procedure would continue as planned.

Or so we thought. Which brings us to the bad news. Our surrogate, Neha – whom we meticulously selected from a choice of three options, weeks back – has come down with Dengue Fever.  She’s in bad shape, and won’t be able to carry our child.

Thanks to the recent Commonwealth Games, we were exposed to stories and information about Delhi that we may not have otherwise read.  One such story was a BBC article about how the late monsoon rains had created a magnificent breeding ground for these nasty carrier mosquitoes, thereby initiating a severe Dengue outbreak (in and around Delhi) considered the worst in a century. We read the article in September, thinking the worst would pass by November.  Millions of people were infected.  In a country with a billion+ population, what are the chances our intended surrogate would be one? Slim – we thought – but not None.

At least it happened BEFORE we underwent the procedure. Dengue can be fatal, there’s no treatment.

Most importantly, we wish Neha well.

On our end, it’s not the end of the world… but it’s a bit of a set back. We’ve been told the screening agency has found another woman who has the ‘same cycle’ as me.  Not sure what that means, but no time to question. We’re on tender hooks – OK, I am… Mark’s dialoguing with the Universe, as usual.. – waiting for confirmation.

We’re also waiting for her profile.

Call me a worry-wart, but if a woman is going to carry our little Indiana Jones for nine months, I’d like some background. We don’t have a choice – she’s the only one available – hope she’s a super star!

In the meantime, as we bide our time, bite our tongues and borrow patience… we can’t but revel in the shear beauty of Malaysia and our lush island resort, Berjaya.

We’re staying in a rainforest studio that’s surrounded by a canopy of rich green foliage.  A deafening cacophony of constantly chattering crickets compete with large families of 10, 15 sometimes 20 tree-swinging monkeys.

And the people?  I swear they are on happy pills.  Seriously, I’ve never met a more friendly bunch than this – from airport staff, to taxi drivers, to resort gardeners… toothy grins all round!

I’ve momentarily banished thoughts of Dengue Fevered Delhi-ites and just hope to heck our new surrogate is fighting strong and is made of tougher stuff than those man (and woman)-eating killer mosquitoes.

CTV SEGMENT – Airing on the 6pm news, Tuesday, Nov 9th (not Nov 8th).  Mark and I will be on a plane to Calcutta, you’ll see it before us. Let us know how it goes!